Rules Briefing 

We will be holding a compulsory Rules Briefing to be held as part of the opening Ceremony/welcoming address.

All players and caddies please attend. 

Australian Junior Age Division Golf Championship – CONDITIONS OF ENTRY

THE EVENT: The Australian Junior Age Division Golf Championship will be played over 3 days from Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th April 2025 as a stroke event over 27 holes (6 years and under to 10 years) and 54 holes (11 years to 19 years).

Practice rounds will be available on Monday 14th April 2025. Please contact Tournament Director, Shelley Scott, on 0439 767 589 or email to book.

COMPULSORY registration will take place at Tees Clubhouse from 10:00AM on Monday 14th April 2025.

PLAYERS: All participants in 18 hole divisions MUST have a registered handicap and be a financial member of a golf club to compete.

PROOF OF AGE: A birth certificate or current passport will be required to prove the age of the participant and MUST be produced with the nomination or at registration. This ONLY applies to NEW participants. Any participant who has competed in this event and provided proof of age will not be required to produce proof.

PRIZES: Trophies will be awarded from 1st through to 5th places in each division, male and female.

CLOSING DATE: The closing date for nominations will be 28th March 2025 unless the event is full. Late nominations may NOT be accepted.

FEES: Nomination fees must be paid on submission of nomination.

DIVISION: Participants will be placed in the division according to their age as at 15th April 2025.

QUALIFIER EVENTS:  WORLD STARS OF JUNIOR GOLF and FCG CALLAWAY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP held in the United States and CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in IrelandThe winner and runners up in each age division, both boys and girls will qualify and receive an invitation.

RANKING POINTS:  The Australian Junior Age Division Golf Championship is a Global Junior Golf Rankings and Junior Golf Scoreboard ranking event.


RULES: The Rules of Golf as published by R & A Rules Limited and the United States Golf Association together with Local Rules as issued by the Championship Committee will apply. Every effort will be made to have sufficient rules officials on each course to ensure fair competition and to maintain the pace of play.

CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE: The Championship Committee shall have the sole management and control of the Championship with full power at any time, to alter or vary any of the conditions.

CODE OF CONDUCT: The Australian Junior Age Division Golf Championship takes violations of the Code of Conduct very seriously. Penalty for violations of the code can include permanent ineligibility in future tournaments and Australian team selection. All Code of Conduct decisions made by tournament officials are final. Violations include but are not limited to the following:

  • Disrespectful treatment of any official, golf course employee, volunteer or any participant
  • Cheating
  • Vandalism, destruction or abuse of the golf course facilities
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs
  • Intentional littering
  • Use of profanity, a player will be at risk of disqualification if two unrelated parties report a single incident
  • Outbursts of anger or temper including throwing clubs or anything else in anger
  • Player’s use of mobile phones, or other unauthorised electronic equipment during play. This includes smart watches and earbuds or headsets.

CADDIES: Caddies are required for players in age divisions 6 and under to 10 years. A caddie must be age 13 or older. Caddies are NOT allowed for players in age divisions 11 through to 19.

Caddies are not allowed on any greens, and are not allowed to be involved with players trying to line up putts. Caddies are to stand aside and watch the kids putt. Penalties will be imposed for breach of this rule.  You might just learn something!

Key roles for caddies are:

  • Be a good example to all junior golfers
  • Be courteous to all players, volunteers, tournament officials and spectators
  • Maintain pace of play and work to keep the group in position on the golf course
  • Avoid coaching your player and encourage ready golf
  • Assist the other caddies to make a good experience for all
  • Rake bunkers, repair divots and other actions to preserve or improve the condition of the golf course

Any caddie that tournament officials determine is acting in a detrimental way to the operation of the tournament may be dismissed immediately at the sole discretion of the officials with NO APPEAL.

PRACTICE: No player is permitted to practice on the championship course either before or after the completion of their round. Any player found to be practicing on course will be disqualified. Official practice rounds are allowed on the days prior to the commencement of the tournament.

TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL: All players are not permitted the use of tobacco and alcohol on the golf course or premises during the tournament.

DRAW AND STARTING TIMES: A draw for each days play will be published. Players shall start at the time and in the order arranged by the Championship Committee. Rule 6-3a provides “The player must start at the time established by the Committee.” The penalty for a breach of Rule 6-3a is disqualification, however, it is a condition of this Championship that in the absence of circumstances which warrant waiving this penalty of disqualification as provided in Rule 33-7 i.e. the player arrives at his/her starting point ready to play within 5 minutes of his/her starting time the penalty for failure to start on time is 2 strokes at the first hole of play. The penalty for lateness beyond 5 minutes is disqualification. A seeded draw will be conducted for the final round of play.

SCORING: At the conclusion of each round all players must immediately report to the scoring table and PLAYERS ONLY are allowed into the scoring area. If scoring officials need assistance from any caddies or spectators they will advise, otherwise only players interact with scoring officials.

PROTESTS: Protests or disputes must be lodged in writing with the Championship Committee no later than 5 minutes after the conclusion of the players round on each day.

HOW TO DECIDE TIES: Sudden death playoffs will be conducted for 1st place in each age division and if necessary for international representation. Playoff holes will be established by the Tournament Director. All other ties will be decided by applying the Australian Count Back System.

SPECTATORS: Spectators are welcome subject to the rules of the golf course and may follow players in all divisions. Spectators may not communicate with players in any manner at any time during their competition round.

Spectators are always subject to the rules of the golf course

Players are not allowed to communicate with spectators during play. Players are responsible for actions of parents/spectators and are reminded that significant contact/conversation may be construed as advice by fellow players. Smart watches are forbidden and receiving text or other such communication form spectators is not allowed. Earbuds or headsets of any type must not be worn by players.

If a spectator has need to give something to the player the way to do that is by either asking another unrelated spectator to hand to the player or hand it to the player in the direct presence of another spectator.

Use of carts by spectators will be at the discretion of golf course management. If carts are allowed they must stay on the cart path or in the rough if there is no cart path. Carts cannot be any closer to the green than 40 metres unless the path is closer.

NO PLAYER may ride in a cart at any time during the tournament except when they are being shuttled by tournament officials or as otherwise deemed necessary by tournament officials.

Spectators are required to turn mobile phones and electronic devices OFF prior to entering the golf course.

Spectators are encouraged to stay one shot ahead of their player as this is advantageous for spotting errant balls and to reduce delays. Players and spectators should take utmost care to make sure no one is in harm’s way during tee off. Spectators may NEVER touch a ball in play.

MOBILE PHONES: All mobile phones must be turned off. The use of mobile phones and other communication devices by players, caddies and spectators is strictly prohibited in the precinct of the golf course, unless an extreme emergency occurs, or if required to contact a rules official. Under this rule, players may not wear smart watches, or any other device capable of receiving communications. Earbuds and headsets or any type are specifically banned. Serious breaches of etiquette may result in disqualification.

EQUIPMENT AND CONFORMING GOLF BALLS: Players must use conforming equipment and golf balls only as detailed on pages 154 and 155 of the Rules of Golf booklet.

DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: In this competition a player may obtain distance information by using a device to measures distance only. If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance- measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is 2 strokes for a first offence and for subsequent offences, disqualification.

MOTORISED VEHICLES: During any round of the Championship competitors may not travel in or on any motorised vehicle unless authorised by a member of the Championship Committee. Penalty – 2 strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred, maximum penalty per round – 4 strokes.

CUT: There is NO cut and never will be. All players play all three days of competition. We see great benefit and importance in giving all players the right to experience all rounds of the competition.

COURSE LAYOUT:       Below is an approximate to give an indication of playing distances. For actual 2024 Yardages Click Here.

6 years and under (9 holes)

  • Male: 1050 m
  • Female: 1050 m

7 to 8 years (9 holes)

  • Male: 1550 m
  • Female: 1500 m

9 to 10 years (9 holes)

  • Male: 2000 m
  • Female: 1550 m

11 to 12 years (18 holes)

  • Male: 5100 m
  • Female: 4200 m

13 to 14 years (18 holes)

  • Male: 5500 m
  • Female: 5100 m

15 to 16 years (18 holes)

  • Male: 5880 m
  • Female: 5500 m

17 to 18 years (18 holes)

  • Male: 6230 m
  • Female: 5500 m

PRESENTATION: Presentation will be held at Tees Clubhouse from 6.00 pm on Thursday 17th April 2025.

NOMINATION AND ENTRY: These Conditions and Tournament Rules form part of the Nomination and Entry Rules.

DRESS CODE: All participants must wear tournament appropriate golf clothing. The final decision on inappropriate dress will be with the Tournament Director.

PACE OF PLAY: The pace of play is of utmost importance to the enjoyment of golf in general and especially competitive golf. Golf can be played much faster if players work as a team and think about efficiency. The Royal and Ancient rules for pace of play are in force and players are subject to penalty if they fall behind. We ask that spectators help with searching for lost balls without otherwise interacting with the players. Players should announce and hit a provisional ball if they believe there is a chance their ball may be lost or out of bounds. Remember to keep up with the group in front of you not in front of the group behind. Rule 6-7 will be strictly enforced.